Admission Policy
God has given us rich promises, which are repeated every time a child in our community is baptized in church. He promises to be our Father in Jesus Christ, and to grant to us all the benefits of the covenant. These promises are extended to all the children of the covenant.
In response, all the children of the covenant, young and old, have an obligation to live a life of gratitude, which we can summarize with the words of Matt. 22: 37-40.
The covenantal relationship taught by Christ, places us in a faith community, and compels us to accept all the children of members of the Canadian, American or United Reformed Churches. This includes those children who may be challenged physically or intellectually. Not only do we have an obligation to help parents with children with special needs, these students also contribute to the atmosphere of caring within our community.
Children of parents who are not members of a Canadian, American or United Reformed Church may be admitted to John Calvin Christian School at the discretion of the Board. The Board must be convinced that the parents accept the same Reformed principles embraced by the Society, as set out in its Constitution and Bylaws.
Entrance Fee
Before a child is enrolled in John Calvin Christian School, the parents will be expected to have paid an entrance fee to JCCS Society by way of monthly payments for 2 years before their oldest child enters kindergarten, or 3 years before their oldest child enters Grade 1.
$150.00 (membership fee) per month x 24 months (2 years) | = $3600 before oldest child enters kindergarten |
$150.00 (membership fee) per month x 36 months (3 years) | = $5400 before oldest child enters Grade 1 |
If parents who want to enroll their child(ren) at JCCS have not been members for the required number of years in our Society, but have contributed financially to JCCS or another Christian school (approved by the board), those financial contributions will be credited towards the two or three year membership requirement. Parents may be asked to verify the amount they have contributed towards Christian education.
The entrance fee is required only for your oldest (first) child. After that is paid, you only pay the membership fees as listed below, regardless of how many children you have enter the school.
Membership Committee
Abby URC:
Contact our Membership Committee Chair at:
Membership Fees for 2024-25
Membership – $150
Kindergarten – $550
Gr 1-5 – $830
Gr 6-8 – $875
Gr 9-10 – $975
Gr 11-12 – $1035
Cheques payable to:
John Calvin School